White Sands Photo Shoot
Out of Town Shoot with members of The Dance Eclectic.

1920’s Photo Shoot
In Town Photo Shoot Option 1
The Dance Eclectic poses for photos in downtown Las Cruces.

Las Cruces Renaissance Faire 2019
In Town Event Option 2
Enchantment Historical Productions and The Dance Eclectic perform throughout the weekend.

The Dance Eclectic Photo Shoot
In Town Photo Shoot Option 2
Locations: Downtown Mesilla, Rio Grande River, and Mesilla Park.

Falloween 2020 Photo Shoot
It’s sooky season! And let’s not forget fall colors. Why not find an orchard in Las Cruces to take some photos? I even got to be behind the camera this time. Practice makes perfect so I dusted off the tripod and started playing with the timer to see if I could capture all of us in photos.

Slot Canyon Photo Shoot
There is a beautiful slot canyon about 30 minutes north of Las Cruces. It is beautiful and amazing to take dance photos in. The shape of the rocks determines the shapes the dancers take. Thank you to some of the members of The Dance Eclectic and The Dance Eclectic Studio for letting me photograph them.

Pas De Deux Photography Conference
In February of 2022, I attended the Pas De Deux Photography Conference in Austin, TX. There were amazing dancers. I got to hone my skills and improve them while also meeting some amazing photographers.