Well here we are…..
We have been at home for a month now. Because it’s what needs to be done to stay safe and flatten the curve, But……man would I love to get out and take some photos of dancers. I am now working from home as a teacher and find that I have more time than before. Since it isn’t a good idea to go be around people that are not in my own house, I decided that my puppies would give me good practice with my camera. I also decided that my beautiful yard would give me practice with different settings on my camera.
I have 2 Cowboy Corgis (Blue Heeler/Corgi mix). They are 1 and 2 years old. They move and play constantly. But they are also very smart and learn quickly. Photographing dogs is just as difficult as dancers for the same reasons. What I learned from these photos is….try not to distract them from what they are doing. They will come to you and be right next to you, making photos difficult. Sometimes you get that perfect photo of them. Which is so awesome and makes these little forever puppies look so majestic.
We live in Las Cruces where spring time can be a beautiful time. Things start blooming like crazy. sometimes the wind usually blows, but not this year. Or at least, not until a few days ago. At the base of the Organ Mountains, poppies grow wild. We had quite a bit of rain/snow this past winter so the poppies are everywhere. Staying inside for a month gets old pretty quickly. I count myself lucky for living in a place that has open spaces and decent sized back yards. So another photo opportunity presented itself. Time to take the puppies to see the poppies. And really we just needed to get outside and hike.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of me practicing with my camera and honing my skills.

Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing. ❤